- Publisher: FOCAL Extended Inc., Ipswich Qld
- Editor: Judith Nissen
- Available in: A4 soft cover; 40 pp; colour illustrated
- ISBN: 9780646920603
- Published: 10/11/2014
Focal (“Friends Of Challinor Aid League”) was born of a nineteen-day strike at the Challinor Centre, Ipswich, in September 1973. This action led to a call for community support to provide emergency assistance to those residents. For many of the significant number of volunteers this experience was to have lasting effects. Focal continued to provide a widening range of services to people with an intellectual disability, particularly after residents began moving into the general community with the closure of Challinor. This book traces the development of support and advocacy services, celebrates the contribution of volunteers, and offers some stories by people who benefit from Focal’s services. The book was formally launched at a 40th birthday high tea held at Focal’s birthplace, the former Challinor Centre.