- Publisher: Moreton Bay Regional Council
- Available in: Unpublished report; A4; 162pp; colour illustrated
- Published: 10/11/2008
This is the story of the municipality of Redcliffe and its people – from the district’s first-known contact with Europeans in 1799, through the site of the first penal colony at Humpybong in 1824 (soon moved to Brisbane) until its amalgamation with other shires to form Moreton Bay Regional Council in 2008.
This project redressed a concentration, evident in the popular media, on Redcliffe’s history as merely a beach resort. Other aspects covered include the working lives of permanent residents, the education of their children, social ritual and tradition, and the trends evident in a small community not always physically well-connected with its surrounding region. The resources held at the Redcliffe local history collection were used extensively, along with additional archival and photographic sources, statistical compilations and oral histories.