- Publisher: University of Queensland School of Pharmacy, Woolloongabba Qld
- Available in: A4 soft cover; 152 pp; colour illustrated
- ISBN: 9780646531298
- Published: 11/10/2010
To celebrate its half-century of teaching and research, the UQ Pharmacy School commissioned this history which outlines the 50-year struggle to establish the Pharmacy Department in 1960 as one of the first two university options in Australia. First proposed in 1910, the challenges of establishing the three-year degree in lieu of technical college training are traced. The later introduction of a four-year degree as well as postgraduate programs, the establishment of a research program, and development of suitable buildings and facilities are all documented. The book was launched in 2010 at a gala 50th birthday celebration, held in the new state-of-the-art, purpose-built Pharmacy Australia Centre of Excellence.